Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spring To Do List for Fourth Years

To Do List:

  1. OWN OCCUPATION Disability insurance-  As you finish up medical school you have an opportunity to get disability insurance that will cover you within your specialty of choice EM, at a steep discount. ON OC covers you if you can no longer practice in your specialty. This is imperative as many policies will stop covering if you can practice in another area of medicine. 
  2. COBRA Health insurance - this is health insurance through your medical school to cover any gap from your coverage during school and your coverage at your residency hospital. Check your paperwork for coverage dates and ensure you are covered. Accidents happen, please think ahead and protect yourself.
  3. PAPERWORK- Whether electronic or in paper the stack is huge. Your residency and hospital have a lot for you to fill in. While it may seem pointless and often redundant, you have an obligation to get them done and done quickly. You will be working with your residency coordinator for three to four years- don’t make her life harder by needing nagging to meet your obligation.
  4. CAPSTONE- if your school doesn’t have a capstone course to get you in gear for residency then make your own. See our section on designing your own  https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5950597211152538922#editor/target=post;postID=5649412330569209983;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=5;src=postname
  5. TAKE SOME TIME - you have an opportunity to use your time this spring to explore, travel and renew yourself. Residency will be exhilarating but the hardest work of your life. Don’t waste the time you have, enjoy it.

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