What's available for URiM Applicants
If you are looking to secure your away rotation in Emergency Medicine(EM) have you considered looking into Underrepresented in Medicine(URiM) scholarships within EM? There are many programs currently offering scholarships to assist you with the expenses related to externship. Programs are looking for ways to actively attract a wide variety of applicants including those currently underrepresented in EM. Check out EMRA Match Clerkship, SAEM, and AAEM's RSA for the myriad of scholarship options. 
Looking for more advice, CORD ASC EM has a dedicated Applying Guide for URiM that is well worth a read even if you already secured your rotations. Also check out the American Medical Student Association’s Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in Health Action Committee(AMSA-REACH) tremendous list of resources, the American Medical Association-Minority Affairs Section(AMA-MAS) is free for all students, regardless of AMA membership and offers many scholarship programs and awards. If you are looking for a mentor consider the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine’s Academy for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Medicine(SAEM-ADIEM).
At UMMS Baystate we have additional scholarships available this year and open spots this fall for away rotators. We are committed to serving a diverse population within the Springfield, MA area. Our goal as an emergency department is to recruit a diverse workforce that reflects the diversity of patients we see in Hampden county, to provide caring and equitable care to all who walk through our doors. The diversity and equity division was created within our emergency department to create initiatives focused upon increasing awareness of health inequities. Doctors Vanna Albert and Nadia Villarroel are two emergency medicine faculty members at UMMS Baystate who are leading and working with members of the emergency department to help enhance the medical education around health inequities. Some of our initiatives include providing scholarships for underrepresented students for our emergency medicine clerkship. We also aim to discuss health equity topics in a longitudinal fashion throughout the academic year within our health equity fellowship, journal club and residency didactics. Apply for an AI rotation through the Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO, previously known as VSAS).
This application process includes submission of a CV and letter of interest in EM
- Submission of a Supplemental Scholarship Application (500 words or less):
Describe how your experience as an under-represented student in medicine has shaped your path to pursue a career in emergency medicine
Email this supplemental scholarship application to: baystateemdiversityinclusion@gmail.com
Take this opportunity to explore all the options for support and involvement within URiM & EM.
Lucienne Lutfy-Clayton is an Associate Residency Director, past Chair of the ASC-EM, and avid supporter of URiM especially the really short.