Wondering if you will be competitive in EM? Worried you might have trouble with your match in EM? Wish you knew what program directors are looking for? - Then EMATCH is the tool for you
The Emergency Medicine Applicant Tool of Common Hangups(EMATCH) is a tool developed by the Council of Residency Directors in Emergency Medicine(CORD EM) Application Process Improvement Committee to help EM applicants identify at risk characteristics within their application and help all applicants strategize to maximize their EM application. This tool uses NRMP data, AAMC data, best practice advising from CORD's Advising Student Committee(ASC EM) with links to their numerous resources, and AAMC's Apply Smart. It also links to Emergency Medicine Residents' Association Match tool, your best resource as you develop your individualized application plan.
If you are interested in using the tool please read the consent below and click this EMATCH link.
Dear Emergency Medicine Applicant:
You are being invited to take part in a research study seeking to understand perceptions of competitiveness in Emergency Medicine. As part of this study, we invite you to complete the online Emergency Medicine Application Tool for Common Hang-ups (EMATCH) questionnaire.
Your responses will help inform and improve our understanding of current applicant perceptions of competitiveness. Your responses are anonymous. The demographic data we are collecting includes your Medical School year, gender, ethnicity, and race. These will be used to ensure we have a representative sample. No identifying information is included in the survey.
Taking part in this research study is totally your choice. You can decide not to participate or to stop taking part in this research study at any time for any reason by stopping the survey. Doing so will not affect how you are treated at Baystate Medical Center and will not affect your educational standing or applicant status.
We hope to recruit at least 250 subjects to complete the questionnaire.
Risks and Costs: There are no risks or costs associated with this study. Though unlikely, you may feel uncomfortable answering some questions on the survey, so you may choose to skip questions. However, your participation in this study benefits your education and the education of future applicants by contributing to a better understanding of perceptions of competitiveness and giving you direct access to evidence based advising.
If you agree to take part in this research study, your personal information will not be linked back to you. Data will be kept in a password-protected database, accessible only by the PI, Dr. Lucienne Lutfy-Clayton.
Who to Contact:For questions about the study or if you believe you have experienced a complication or injury as a result of participating in this study, please contact the PI, Lucienne Lutfy-Clayton, by phone or email (see below). If you have question about your rights as a research study subject, call the Baystate Medical Center Institutional Review Board (IRB) at (413) 794-4356.
Next Steps: If you choose to participate, please complete the EMATCH Questionnaire. Your completed survey will serve as your consent to participate in the study.
If you choose not to participate in the study, you may keep this consent sheet for your future information.
This research study has been reviewed and approved by the IRB of Baystate Medical Center.
Lucienne Lutfy-Clayton MD, Assistant Professor UMMS Baystate
Email: lucienne.lutfy-clayton@baystatehealth.org ; Phone number 413-794-5999
Department of Emergency Medicine, 759 Chestnut St, Springfield MA 01199
Lucienne Lutfy-Clayton is an APD at UMMS Baystate and the immediate past chair of CORD's API committee. This tool has been her white whale over the past few years and is finally ready for prime time. Let us know what you think and how we can help.