Saturday, August 23, 2014

Learning Resource: FOAMcast

The world of FOAMed (Free Open Access Medical Education) is over-flowing with resources discussing cutting edge, controversial, and high risk topics.  This is why we use it.

However, much of the popular and best FOAMed content is not ideal in the early stages of assimilating the broad knowledge base required for Emergency Medicine.  You should try walking with EMbasic, before you go running with EMCrit and Smart EM.

A new addition to the list of resources for EM learners at all stages is the FOAMcast podcast by Lauren Westafer (@LWestafer) and Jeremy Faust (@jeremyfaust).  These short, easily digestible podcasts summarize a recent piece of hot new FOAM and pair it with a review of core content material that every emergency provider should know.

Recent episodes have covered Anaphylaxis, Neonatal Jaundice, and First Trimester Bleeding.

Have a listen.  You won't be disappointed!


Why FOAM it alone?